Artic Giraffe
The Artic Giraffe Picture Gallery presents images of children’s mental health and well being created by children and young people attending the ABC Thursday & Friday School Transitions Club 2017/18. These thought provoking images invite the viewer to engage issues of mental health in a deep and meaningful way.
We know that if children don’t receive early help by age 15, then half of those affected by poor mental health will go on to experience a lifelong mental health problem. This is the tragic human cost of doing too little too late.
It is a sad reality that too many children are not being reached, and too many children still endure long waiting times to access the support they desperately need. ABC is thankful to the Post Code Lottery and local partner schools for helping us to fund the Artic Giraffe Project. This amazing project has empowered local children/young people to come together and be a force for positive for change.