01642 913060 ABCreachus@outlook.com

Family Support, Mediation & Conferencing

How ABC Family Support works

ABC works with families to improve the quality of life for the whole family. A dedicated ABC Family Worker works alongside the family to identify the support they need to take steps forward and achieve their goals. Once we have agreed a plan we will begin the work over an agreed timeframe, holding regular reviews to measure progress. We can work with a family from just a few weeks to a year, depending on need, time and work involved.

What can a family or funder expect from Family Support?

  • Mediation/Family Group Conferencing to help resolve family disputes and improve relationships
  • Parenting support delivered from evidence based programmes
  • Supporting families to plan and engage in positive activities together
  • One-to-one sessions with family members around the problems they face
  • Support to access appropriate services e.g. Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Where do ABC Family referrals come from?

Family Support referrals can come from a school or social care agency that funds ABC to deliver this work. Once we have received a family support referral from the funding agency, ABC will contact the family within five working days from being referred to the service.

What does the Family Support service aim to do and achieve?

  • To strengthen family relationships
  • To meaningfully include and engage families in the Care Planning process
  • To enhance parenting skills and strategies
  • To strengthen the quality of family life
  • To improve confidence, resilience and emotional well-being
  • To improve school engagement and attendance where identified
  • To prevent the exclusion of children from school where identified

Family Mediation & Conferencing

Family Mediation & Conferencing is delivered by ABC’s experienced and qualified practitioners. We specialise in delivering mediation and family conferences  that enable family members to sort out their differences and resolve conflict. Often this has ensured that young people have not been made homeless or become looked after by the local authority.


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