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Useful Links

There are many organisations available to provide help and support, often 24 hours a day.

Below are some links to useful information for professionals, parents and young people on a range of issues experienced by us all but in particular young people.

AFC Crisis Messenger Service

A 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Text AFC to 85258.


 A private and confidential listening and advice service for children and young people up to the age of 19.


  Provide information, advice, where to get help near you and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

Winston’s Wish  UK

 Childhood bereavement charity offering practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals


A charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight and shape.


  Offers advice, information and support to bereaved people of all ages, however or whenever the death occurred.

Play Therapy United Kingdom

An organisation governing therapeutic play and play therapy and providing information to the public about working therapeutically with children.

Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP) Centre:

CEOP is here to keep children safe from sexual abuse and grooming online.

The HideOut

 Women’s Aid website to raise awareness of domestic abuse for children and young people, and to support those affected by it.


  Offer confidential support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call free on 116 123

Women’s Aid

  National charity for women and children victims of domestic abuse. Free phone National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000247

Local Organisations


Hartlepool and Stockton Safeguarding Children’s Partnership

If you’re worried about a child, please call  01429 284284 / 01642 130080 or out of office hours call 01642 524552.

Daisy Chain

Provides support services to children and adults affected by autism, and their parents/carers and siblings


The voice, representation and support for Stockton on Tees voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE).

Teesside Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)

Provide a sensitive and dedicated service that meets the needs of Victims of Rape and Sexual Assault.


Offers advice, information and support to bereaved people of all ages

Middlesbrough 01642 210284

Victim Care and Advice Service

Service provides free, independent care and confidential support for victims of crime and their families

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