School Transition Clubs
Which children can attend a Transition Club?

Who works with the children?
Each school transition club is staffed by three qualified therapists; supported by a number of adult volunteers and peer mentors. Currently ABC has 10 volunteer peer mentors who support the children, young people and its activities.
All Staff and volunteers have a satisfactory enhanced Disclosing & Barring Service (DBS) and two reference checks. They have also completed training on safeguarding children & young people, health and safety and how to work effectively and safely with vulnerable children and young people. Many additional training opportunities are provided to progress the professional development of our staff and volunteer workforce. Each school transition club is staffed by three qualified therapists
When do the Transition Clubs run?
Each Transition Group involves the child attending one weekly two hour session over 46 weeks per year. The sessions currently run from 5 pm to 7 pm. Parents are responsible for bringing and collecting their child. Billingham South Community Primary School refers Year 6 pupils to Thursday Club and Northfield School & Sports College refers Year 7 & 8 pupils to Friday Club.
Who funds it?
ABC, Northfield School, Billingham South Primary School and Children In Need fund the School Transition Clubs held weekly on Thursdays and Fridays. The service is free to the children and young people accessing it.
Transition Clubs Activities

- Restorative Circle Time/Friendship Groups
- School Journey Mapping
- Wellbeing & Mindfulness Workshops
- Communication Workshops
- Educational Workshops
- Health & Wellbeing Workshops
- Fun/Participatory activities
- Social Action Projects
Involving children in decision making
ABC encourages children and young people to be involved in the planning, design and development of their own activities and workshops. This helps children and young people to be independent and make healthy lifestyle choices that help them to feel less anxious and worried about making a transition from primary to secondary school.
Peer Mentors
Children and young people will have an opportunity to work alongside their peers in a safe and supportive space that encourages them to work through their worries, fears and anxieties about attending secondary school, and other issues they may have. Trained peer mentors act as positive role models and are available to provide support and guidance.